Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I just found out about a website through a friend on FB. It's called Typetrigger. I'm not gonna link it up cuz a. I don't want to and b. I'm not a real writer and that's who the intended user is; a real writer. The idea behind Typetrigger is to 'trigger' a thought or idea from a prompt they provide and then have you write your take on it. I'm pretty sure it is geared toward fiction writers........... but too bad. I can do what I wanna. It's a free blogworld.

Today the prompt is "The Awful Word"

These sorts of suggestions/prompts are right up my alley cuz they're so wide open to interpretation.

I'm not clever enough to write a fictional piece. Well to tell the truth, I think I AM clever enough, I just can't or won't take the time. I always feel like I'm wasting valuable time when I'm dinking around on this blog, which btw was a major contributor in me deleting, yes DELETING, Blogignoramus. fyi-if you delete a blog there is an UNDELETE button. bwahahahaha. Perfect for people like me.

As far as The Awful Word goes, here's my take. I make no claims that this will be of any interest to any person besides me.

There are the obvious awful words and I could point you towards a site, reddit, which I can't even read when Wes is around cuz the F word is written in almost every headline. And the actual comments? Forget about it. No matter what the convo, could be nerf guns, could be a recipe, that word will come out of somebody's mouth, or shall I say fingers. But I am either becoming conditioned to the word or don't care enough because I will read reddit anyway. If it's said a thousand times I exit, but here and there is okay with me. I don't really know why but the F word bothers me more in written form than if I hear it from a movie or infer what is blurred out on TV.

Well, whatever, I hadn't planned on writing about a word which I rarely ever heard 20 years ago and now is part of seemingly every colloquial conversation. You know, judging from the internet, movies and TV-which is such a wise way to base all your beliefs.

Moving on. I think of "The Awful Word" in other ways too. One of those ways is sarcasm. An attitude of sarcasm can really only be delivered through words as opposed to anger or happiness or other types of emotion. I do think sarcasm derives from a feeling; a feeling of disdain mixed with insecurity. Sarcasm is a cohort of cynicism. Sarcastic people are usually cynical but the difference lies in the delivery and the humor. I'm not sure if sarcasm is hereditary but I suspect it to be so. With my vast scientific knowledge. Sometimes pure observation and the obvious are enough to make a judgement. That there are people who say they hate or don't understand sarcasm is hard for me to fathom.

All this talk of sarcasm stems from a load of such which was dumped all over a certain someone last Sunday and I feel kind of bad about what went down. He sure is a good sport or maybe doesn't pick up on our sarcastic attitude. We're not too subtle, so I can't imagine how he wouldn't catch on.

Awful word, awful attitude. Using or depending on either is a habit and an automatic response to anything really. I don't think I could stop being sarcastic anymore than I could give up eating. I just better not start using the F word.

When I first read the prompt that brought forth this post I didn't even think about what I've just written.  SURPRISE! My brain just gets revved up and I write whatever comes first to mind. So uncool.

What I thought of is a certain 10 year boy who resides in my same home who's latest thing to say is "hurtful". This is his response to 99% of anything directed towards him, which, as you can probably deduce, is completely irrelevant to anything said. He just thinks it's funny and I don't. It's also a habit. He has learned the hard way that not everyone 'gets' or appreciates sarcasm, namely Mr O., and I hope for his sake that he saves 'hurtful' for home. For my sake I just want him to mix it up a little bit. I'm bugged more from his repetitive use of the word than any meaning he or I ascribes to it.

That's it for "The Awful Word".

Because every post needs a picture, here you go:


Just because.

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