Friday, May 27, 2011

a little bit of this a whole lot of that

I'm in love and I don't care who knows it. And I don't care if you don't care.

Take a look around; don't you love the new digs as well? It's amazing what a new blog template does for your psyche, much like the way wearing new clothes makes you feel like a million bucks. True dat. The only thing that makes me kinda sad is the fact that so few will see this; but I made my bed and now I must lie upon it. Which is what I'd truly like to be doing now. But there's no rest for the weary, no? Now that I'm an oldish woman I wake up at 6:48 A.M. NO MATTER WHAT TIME I GO TO BED and the fact that I didn't get to bed until way past my bedtime, weary is what I am. Cripes.

otay. I have a bunch of pics to share so I best get to it.

Jake left this morning for his grand climbing adventure in Ecuador. Not gonna lie; I'm extremely nervous for him. I think this nervousness comes mostly from Jake's fly by the seat of his pants nature. Not that he doesn't plan, (some), but he's a wee bit forgetful at times. But Jake's need for adventure supersedes my trepidation. Would I have him be a nervous twit like me? nien.

Prison Break?
This is Jake's special haircut for this trip. Perhaps it's a keeper. This picture is a camera photo, and really doesn't do him or his haircut the justice he deserves. After his trip with the crew from work his head is sunburned, so he's looking whole lot more colorful. Check out that zoolander grimace... watch out Blue Steel.

Did I mention I'm nervous about him going to climb mountains in a foreign country? I worry enough about him climbing locally and add my [mis]conception of all other countries being lawless and skanky...
sigh. It's just as well as I don't think about it a'tall. 2 1/2 weeks will fly by. I truly want him to have a epic adventure.

addendum: talked to Jake this afternoon while he was in Houston and he told me he forgot to pack underwear. I had a panic attack thinking that he'd have to wear the same underwear for 2 1/2  weeks... like you can't buy underwear in another country? ? ? I think this story illustrates my point perfectly.

Moving on.

Couple of Saturdays ago was Wes' piano recital. He did a super duper fantastical job. Please Wes, don't ever stop loving and working at your gift. I recorded his performance but of course I can't get the darn thing to upload so here's some pics.


Wes and Piano
Gosh, He's a handsome young man. Watch out ladies.

Wes and his teacher, Mrs Janson

Funny piano story. Wes said something about something, I don't remember, but what I thought he meant was that he wanted to quit the piano. When I asked him if that IS what he said, he was simply aghast. MOM! OF COURSE NOT. [please please please Wes... keep on lovin' that feelin'.]

So, before I end this epistle, I'll give you a looksee at my latest card making product:
Masculine Card

I think I did good this time. Hopefully Kevin doesn't see this post before Father's Day. Wouldn't it be bad luck for him to see his card? BWA HA HA HA. Kevin look at a blog?????? BWA HA HA HA.

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