Monday, May 16, 2011

Partial Post

Wes had his Piano Recital Saturday. I had no doubt he'd knock it out of the park, and that is exactly what he did. It is a joy to hear him play. A lot of that joy comes from the fact that I know he loves playing the piano. You know Wes is feeling happy when you hear him in the living room figuring out songs he's heard and making them his own. I hope this passion will stay with him, but I also know that children change and other interests come along. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. But if he keeps loving the piano and working at it I will somehow someway get a baby grand piano. Like when a spare $15,000 drops into my bank account.

Duet- "The Imperial March" 
 [Word to the wise: don't you dare call it the "The Star War's Song"]

Solo: Allegretto from Symphony #7, second movement-Ludvig Van Beethoven

Wes with his teacher, Mrs Janson

He was one of the few students to have his solo memorized, which is cake for him so no one was worried on that score anyway, (where does he get this?). Afterwards he said to me that he didn't play the soft parts soft enough. I tried to reassure him, telling him that when you're nervous it is hard to hit the keys as gently as you've practiced. Well, he told me that could not be the reason because he WAS NOT NERVOUS. (Where does he get this?).


Turns out blogger is a monster and ate the rest of my post. wtf. The End.

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