Monday, March 26, 2012

spring is trying to spring

Yello everybody!

Another card; based on the color challenge from the CR84FN blog. After Wes being sick most of last week, and me pretty much checking out on Saturday, I didn't think I'd feel like 'carding'. AND when I browsed through all the samples and cards made by other more experienced and qualified 'carders' I was PSYCHED!! And not the good kind; no, I'm talking the kind that screams in my head DON'T do it! {Yeah. I've got to get over myself.}

There is something about sitting in my craft room with pandora blasting and being surrounded by card making paraphernalia that is so therapeutic and so I went for it anyway. Away we go.

This challenge uses such bright and happy colors! Something I really needed this horribly windy, cloudy dark day. How apropos that as I type this the sun is really trying to peek through those clouds. I NEED Spring and SUNSHINE! Don't we all?

Wes made it to school today, the sun is trying to shine, and I don't have to make dinner tonight! Life is good. Real good.


  1. Beautiful cards! Love the layered blossoms! Thanks for joining along with CR84FN :)

  2. There's so much dimension in your card, the layered flowers are lovely. Thanks so much for playing along with CR84FN!
