Friday, April 22, 2011

blog and learn

People ask me, "Why do YOU have a blog?" Well, really, no one has asked me that but I imagine that is exactly what untold numbers of you are thinking.

All 5 of you who've I've told about this blog. Including 1 who will never look at this here blog, Kevin, cuz he has way more important stuff to do then waste time reading his wife's thoughts. He gets to hear them in real life. Besides, he just doesn't get the whole blog thing. I explained to him my reasons for dumping blogignoramus and I'm pretty sure he was thinking about, well, anything besides anything to do with blogging.

It's become clear to me that the blog world has evolved. Used to be that my brand of blogging was the status quo. Evolution being what it is, even with blogging, change was and is inevitable. To stay stagnant would have been the death of BLOG. I've witnessed several bloggers navigate that change and become all shiny and new and I do admire them. That being said, many of those are NOT the blogs I enjoy reading. Sure, I window shop the cooking, crafting, decorating, etc., blogs, but for me those blogs just don't do it for me. Whatever IT is. For sure I don't think my opinion matters on that subject and I don't expect you to listen to me. yo do yo thing and I'll do mine.

Although, say one of those blog authors with a blog purpose should share a personal story I'll usually stick around and read what that person has to say. I'm all about the slice of life stories. The pictures aren't what I will remember later, it's the story. On the other hand, now that I think about this, sometimes a picture is all it takes.

That is what I think about the whole deal. It's not what you have to think. You think what you want and I'll, you know, judge all the blogs I read for myself.

Yet, and this may seem hugely hypocritical of me, my plan is to include some stuff with a purpose-like cooking and crafting.

I'm serious.

craftin' supplies
Look what I scored yesterday to add to my ever expanding card making supplies! Here's the thing with crafts. You buy a buttload of stuff and actually use about 10%. Especially me-I chose my children's names with less internal debate than I choose from the plethora of paraphernalia related to the construction of homemade cards. Truly, the possibilities are endless.

Plus. I cook good. And I love to read. All things to blog about and blog about them I will. As a bonus I will throw in a life lesson here and there.

Lesson #1. Don't buy just any old I mean new camera. The brand new camera which took that photo is a piece of crap. My phone takes better pictures.

Don't you feel smarter now?

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