Sunday, January 1, 2012


And so, another year ended, another year just begun.

When I was a lil girl I was a Brownie; the first step in the Girl Scout program. I loved being a Brownie Scout. I loved the uniform, I loved the meetings, (somewhat like Activity Days mtgs in the church now), I loved that there were friends there, something sorely lacking in my school life. I enjoyed those forced social programs. My favorite day of the week was Primary Day; cuz that's when Primary was held, on a week day after school. And that meant you were surrounded by adults who loved you and other kids your age who at least had to be around you. I was a needy child, cans't thou tell?

I digress as usual.

So, I was a Brownie, remember? One other thing I loved about the Brownies was the handbook. I devoured that thing. I loved the promise of a future contained in that book with its activities,  achievements, and most of all, the BADGES to be earned.

I especially loved the story which explained what being a Brownie meant and therefore what we should emulate.

As my children have probably never really understood my reference to wishing for a Brownie or two or three or four to magically clean my messy house I give you the edited, (by me), story...

The cottage on the edge of the wood was in an awful mess. There were dishes to be washed, clothes to be ironed and toys scattered all over the floor. Tommy and Betty didn't care. They hated boring old housework. "What I am going to do?" their mother sighed. "I can't keep the cottage tidy. If only we had a Brownie!"

" What's a Brownie?" asked Tommy. "A Brownie is a magical little creature, which slips into houses very early before anyone is awake. It tidies toys, irons clothes, washes dishes and does all sorts of helpful things in secret," replied his mother.

The children raced over to the pool. Betty did exactly as the Owl had said: "Twist me and turn me and show me the elf, I looked in the water and there saw…" She looked into the pool. "Well, can you see it? Can you see a Brownie?" yelled Tommy, hopping from foot to foot in excitement. "No," said Betty, All I can see is my own reflection."

Tommy and Betty returned thoughtfully to the cottage. If you had passed that way very early next morning, you would have seen a lamp burning in the kitchen window and two figures busily scurrying about inside. And when the children's mother came down for breakfast, she couldn't believe her eyes. There wasn't a toy in sight. Everything was clean and tidy. "Why, a Brownie has been here. How wonderful!" she gasped.

Last night was New Year's Eve and I truly plan on posting on the festivities, which were oh so festive, but I'm overwhelmed with what I woke up to. I plan my NYE's post being me extolling the magnificence of a certain son-in-law and his wifee for all they did to make NYE a fabwois night. 

When I went to bed last night at exactly 12:05 p.m., (so at least I did stay up until the first minutes of 2012), the kitchen was understandably a disaster, which I expected and was okay with and planned on working on today. I didn't give it a second thought.

So, this morning Kevin comes in and says he has to show me something. I expected some kind of joint he's made with a jig or something. But what I saw left me not a little shocked and completely speechless. 

A spic and span kitchen and family room. I roamed around amazed at the scope of all that was done. The stove top. The island counter which I now remember as being HUMUNGOUS. The mantel. The table centerpiece. Just everything. Talk about magnificent. 

Thank you, my Brownies. You're my most favorite Brownies, at least until someone comes along and beats what you accomplished. Which will not be in my lifetime I'm sure. You will never understand how much what you did means to me. 

That is, until the Brownies show up at your house. 

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