Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boondocks and Such

Heavens, it's been a long time since I've posted! No reason, just life getting in the way. I'm thankful for a life that gets in the way, whether good or bad. But I do miss making cards and playing with challenges! Soon, I keep telling myself.

I don't want to go into details about the going ons to which I'm referring, not yet anyway, I just have a few pics to share. 

I have been making cards, although not officially for challenges. I've been so scattered that I usually miss the deadlines. No matter. Here a couple of wedding cards that I made for a couple of recent marriages. 

A couple of weeks ago Wes was the featured child in his school class aka Star of the Week. As things usually go with Wes we were throwing the poster together 9 pm the night before. It turned out pretty well all things considered. 

{Apparently we're fond of the "huddle" style of family photos.} 

Last night we went to a party for Kevin's work at Boondocks. Fun, games, and pizza. Of course I'd never been to this place of Boondockery, as I'm not a fan of fun apparently, (or arcade games or pizza really), but we had a really good time. 

 As you can see, Kevin is the old man at work.

 If you look really closely, with a magnifying glass if possible, you will see how happy Wes is about this ride. He was pretty ticked that he wasn't big enough to drive by himself. I don't blame him for the face. 
This would be the track. And Wes looks no happier. You'll have to trust me on that, since the power of zoom sucks on the iphone. 

 Wes was much happier here, with his own boat to captain. 

 Trust me, it was not warm yesterday and pretty cloudy. And the water is not heated. So, I'm not just not a fan of fun, but also of being frozen. 
Not that I'd have been in one of those floaty thingies even if it'd been warm and sunny. I am also not a fan of being shot by a water cannon. Or any cannon for that matter. 
*cannonball wound*

Due to Wes' expertise with video game skillz, he was the only one who figured out that you could reposition the cannon many different ways, like up and down as well as side to side, and he pretty much shot and hit anyone. Finally, a good reason to waste all that time playing them games. 

Speaking of video games as I just did there, I'm really proud of Wes for making the decision to give up his violent games. Well, it was not so much his decision as it was me deciding to take away what I should have never let him have anyway, but after a few hours of drama, he's been a good sport. He even noticed that he's felt better after giving them up. He's a good boy, is he not?

Next, we moved on the miniature golf. Good times. 

 No idea why there is the Halloweenesque wall on the course. I'm not a fan of things that make no sense. 

Next, we moved on to the pizza dinner and the arcade games. Wes ate about 5 slices of pizza and a big salad and garlic bread and an ice cream sandwich. All that play made him a hungry boy. I'm not a fan of cheap pizza and bagged salad, but I'll take anything over fixing dinner myself. (I didn't notice what Kevin consumed. How negligent of me.) 

This is the only pic I took on the arcade floor. Other than this and a game of air hockey, Wes just went bee-bopping through the arcade using tokens to garner tickets. Cuz tickets lead to some stellar prizes. Like a doohickey that spring ups after you squish it down, a slinky worm, some sour patch kids, and a fake nose/mustache/glasses combo. Which he models here. Kevin's get up however is not a mask. 

I kind of really love this picture. 

Funny story. On the way to the place where we went, I popped in the new Brian Reagan CD. So we're listening and from my vantage point it appeared that Kevin did not find it humorous at all. Then he decides he better turn it off since he was laughing so hard he could hardly see. But only on one side of his face. Ok, that is more sad than funny. 

Later 'gators. 

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