Saturday, September 24, 2011


Anyone who reads this blog already knows what surprise I'm talking about. Whilst not a total surprise it was an unexpected surprise. Surprise sounds so festive. Shall I go with straight up bad news?

Kevin was laid off on Wednesday, September 21, 2011, after working for PC for 30+ years. He worked in almost any capacity you can imagine. He worked so hard, and with such integrity and loyalty. A class act which he will carry on as he is working next week to get the new team settled. I can't imagine how hard it would be to go back and work after being laid off, but Kevin is good to the core and never thought of leaving his job undone.

Don't get me wrong. Over the years there were some extremely rough times with PC. Working with the partners was a challenge at times. But how would I know if it would have been different with any other company? I wouldn't. I will assume that with most companies there are stressful times. We did spend a whole lot of time complaining and bashing and struggling with PC. Survival tactics I suppose.

But overall PC treated Kevin and our family so well, and it was a huge blessing to have been involved with them. So many choices over the years which led to some big rewards. I fully recognize this.

It's not like I can even compare the company Kevin worked for all those years, and the one he's been with for the last few. Night and day differences. The level of integrity fell dramatically and was so against Kevin's natural inclinations. Not that he was put in situations that that challenged his personal integrity, but the choices of others will always affect a whole lot of people besides those directly involved.

I can't possibly encapsulate 30 years into one blog post. Even with the lengthy ones I've been known to write.

Wednesday, as soon as Wes and I walked in the door after our appointment with the Dentist. (I would certainly prefer to be writing about that app't, which seems to always turn out to be a painful experience, than what I am now), Kevin had me go into the bedroom to talk, and I knew instantly what it was about. My first feeling was relief. FINALLY it was over. (I don't really need to tell any of you how extremely stressed Kevin has been. Extremely doesn't even really describe the last year or so).
Then my knees kind of buckled and I sat on the floor. Didn't feel all the relieved anymore.

NO JOB? This has to be a mistake. Surely they will be calling to say they made a mistake. OR some kind of mix up.

Of course that didn't happen. This is real life after all. And not something which I have any control over. OF COURSE, just like most of what constitutes a real life.

My first real moment of fear came when I thought about insurance. We are good on that for a year though. What a blessing. I'll worry about that if or when it becomes necessary.

My next thought, NO JOKE, is that we'd have to get rid of CABLE. You laugh and I understand why, but watching TV is a huge stress reliever for me and we're entering a time of stress that's for sure. I'll need my marathons of ANTM and Project Wunway, and Real Housewives, etc etc. It's the Hanson in me I guess.

All kinds of fearsome thoughts came to me, some of which are legitimately scary. But, inexplicably, I felt and feel a sense of calm. Like everything's gonna be ok and this is life and you just go through whatever is handed to you cuz you really have no other choice. (Haven't we traveled down that road before?). I do analyze these feelings because it is certainly not my M.O., to be calm about the unknown. Geez, how much did I fret about the weather for the reception? I lost far more sleep over that than this.

Maybe I'm in denial. Maybe thoughts enter my mind and I push them aside. Maybe I'm delusional. But so far I am feeling like everything really will be okay.

Today Kevin is out 4-wheelin'. He wanted to go by himself to have time to get his head together. (Not that I'm sad about missing the quad ridin'. pfft). My heart breaks for him. These past few years haven't been a cake walk, that's for sure. Looking back, from my viewpoint, they were more awful than I really realized.

Kevin and I both think that if this had to happen that it is the best timing. K, J, and J&T are out on their own and basically settled. Wes is a resilient lil guy and could care less if he wears too short jeans and old shirts, which look even worse on him since he sleeps in them. In truth, boys are generally less expensive to raise.

We have basically no debt. That is such a blessing. We don't need much. (Wants on the other hand... but that's what they are, WANTS). The you can live without stuff. (Although what I can live without and what Kevin can are two different stories).

Who knows what's next?

I DO! It's picture time!!!!

Hunter, (in a rather comprising position), and Kevin. Gosh, he loves that dog.

Spiderman aka Wes during our Saturday trip to Target. Don't worry we did not buy the mask. We looked around the toy section for like an hour, but he didn't buy a thing. Suddenly, now that he has a fair chunk of change, he's less interested in spending it.

A Rock Star who looks like Rapunzel aka Wes AFTER our trip to Target. I did buy the wig. It's for Halloween. I must say, he looked surprisingly good as a girl. DO NOT tell him I said that. I will have to kill you.

Finally, people who take their own picture with my phone will end up on this blog. SURPRISE.

*I'm emotionally drained just writing this post and I cannot bring myself to edit myself. I seriously don't know for whose benefit I am making this disclaimer.