Tuesday, November 15, 2011

i did something good today

As you may gather from the post title, I feel that I did something good today. For someone else other than me.

I'm not big on talking about these types of things and they are things I usually keep to myself.

These are the steps leading up to this thing I'm talking about:

My V.T. partner calls me last week to see if and when I can go visiting teaching. She calls our sisters and sets up appointments. She then realizes that won't work for her and checks again with me before she calls the sisters again.

You may have noticed I haven't done anything besides fill her in on my lackluster days, as evidenced by the fact that I'm always around to answer her calls and am 95% of time available for VTing. Therefore, this is not the good thing I done. (yes, I know I just talked stupid-like there).

That was last week. She asked me if I'd teach the lesson and I HESITATED before answering yes. Can you believe me?


Yesterday a little bell went off in my head before I headed downstairs to work on my new obsession hobby (Another issue that needs examining sometime). The bell lit the lightbulb and I realized that I was v-ting today and ought to prepare some type of lesson.

K, this story could get way long, so I'll just jump to this morning.

(Information you need to know. The lesson I prepared was from General Conference, the RS session specifically. It's November, that's what you do).

If you digested the previous paragraph, you've likely deduced that the talk I chose was given by someone I shan't name because I don't want his name googled and someone ending up here. Not cuz I have anything negative to say, I feel exactly the opposite actually.

It was the orgetfay emay otnay lowerfay talk. Now you know whom I am speaking of. Or you ought to.

We visit two sisters who are quite the opposite from each other. I only mention that because isn't it funny how a conference message can be so personal to anyone?

In the talk 5 points are talked about, thoughts that as he says we would be wise to not forget.

Be patient with yourself, learn the difference between good sacrifices and bad ones, remember to be happy NOW,  remember the why of the gospel more than the what, and fifth, forget not that the Lord loves you. #5 is a concept that I honestly have the most difficult time understanding. Yet again another issue to be examined.

The second sister we visit has such a challenging, stressful life. It kind of makes me nervous just being there because I can sense the tension. That is not to say that she isn't a wonderful, kind person. She is. Just so you know there family is not super active. I hate saying it that way, but I don't want to drag this any longer than I already have.

Sister 2 has a son, 16, who about a year ago decided that he wanted to be involved in the church. He jumped in with both feet, and from the looks of it you'd think that he was all good. He is well loved by the ward, he is so kind and outgoing, and more. I want to be careful about TMI.

As it always is with moms, a lot of the conversation was our children and being a mom, stuff that only moms would want to talk about. Not that we're anything special because this is our tendency, it just is what it is.

I don't remember exactly what led to her talking about the son I mentioned, but she told us that he is so down every day, thinks that he is no good. Stuff like that. Heartbreaking and a universal feeling I dare say for almost everyone at least once. The thing is you would never have thought this about him.

We'd talked about the first 4 points, talked about him some, and then I began to talk about the 5th, "Forget not that the Lord loves you".

First off, and something I hadn't remembered at all hearing at the RS session. He talks about how he as a child felt sometimes small and insignificant. He wondered if he'd be forgotten by his family or Heavenly Father. This was surprising to me simply because of the kind of man he is today. I'm sure there was no chance his family would forget him and surely not Heavenly Father. Yet he felt that way, as we all have sometime in our lives.

 Now, thinking of the boy I've talked about, read this quote. Let me tell you, before this I had no idea how apropos it would be:

"... wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love". 

What good thing did I do? I think it was that I listened to the Spirit when it reminded me that I needed to prepare a lesson, that it directed me to that talk, that I made a copy of the talk for her, which I did not feel that I needed to do for our other sister and actually really thought about not doing, and that I was able to share that quote. A time that I really caught the purpose of VTing. Something my stubborn head often overlooks.

I think we all truly need that quote to take hold in our minds. If you like this message don't get used to it coming from me. As I said I really like to keep these moments to myself.

And that's what Mamaface says.

I almost forgot, every post needs a picture.

One Little Piggy

I'm his mom, he's my kid. It works.

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