Friday, November 9, 2012

a walk in the woods

When Kristen made the decision to visit Utah over our Spring Break instead of us visiting Phoenix, (for the sole purpose of visiting her), she had only one request. Oops, I take that back. She made 2 requests, number 2 being Pumpkin Donut Holes. (Which aren't really donut holes, more like mini muffins... but whate'rr.) Oh, and going to Gardner Mill to see the witches aka the Witch Festival. Well, whadaya know? Turns out she had a lot of demands requests, now didn't she? Sheesh Kristen!

Jk. We'd do anything for you! As long as what we're doing includes donut holes, and visiting witches, and her number 1 request, the reason I'm even posting after such a ridiculous amount of time spent silent...,

Kristen's numero uno request was to experience Fall. As in Autumn. As in cooler temps, shorter days, and most importantly, the changing of the leaves. Apparently, AZ doesn't do seasons. Unless HOT, hot enough to bake your donut holes, is a season.

Well, Fall in UT is a glorious thing. Unfortunately though, for Kristen, she missed the annual autumnal prime time by a couple of weeks, but we did find some beautifulness and wondermunt driving up Hobble Creek Canyon. ohmergosh, I'd forgotten how much I love that Canyon. (I've also forgotten my compulsion to use too many adjectives. Usually unimaginitive made up ones. Maybe I should just remain silent.)

There were pumpkin donut holes/mini muffins. We did go to Gardner Mill, a post for another day, AND we ate out at Mi Ranchito, (yet another request made by, you guessed it, KRISTEN. She does know how to make the BEST demands, demands everyone enjoys!! Demand away, girl!)

The Sunday of her visit, after church, we drove down to Hobble Creek, as I heretofore mentioned. I'm so glad I thought of going there as Provo and American Fork Canyon were past their prime. I knew this because we'd driven up there 2 weeks prior, a drive in which we almost died several times. You know it was bad when even Kevin was nervous.

But that was then. And this was then, but a more recent then than then.

Fall leaves ALWAYS make me think of when Kristen was born. Because someone brought me a big bouquet of fall leaves and they were so gorgeous. When I think back I realize whomever gave me the leaves must've brought them about a month after Kristen was born, being that the leaves would not have been changing on Sept 9th. I remember them sitting in a container until they shriveled up and crumbled to pieces. Seems so sad now. Yeah, well, still a fond a memory.

I'm not sure why Kristen is leaning. She seems a little stiff overall actually. Still a cute pic!
NO, Kevin and I did not plan to match each other let alone to match the leaves. One of the few times we have our picture taken together and we just fade into the background. Kismet much?

Love this pic! It's totally rad! 

This one is the raddest!

And so ends the story. The story of Kristen's demands, unintentional matching clothing, the unfortunate demise of a leaf bouquet, and most importantly, the end of the annoying commentary on a fairly ordinary day.

Now, why is it that I stopped blogging?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

he bought a boat

 was there really any doubt that kevin would buy a boat... 
sooner or later? 

no. there was not. 

but as you will see these pics are more about the people i love 
and less about the boat. 
i couldn't even give you a single pertinent detail concerning
the boat,
other than that it is, in fact,
a sailing boat. 

i'm really hoping it is also a 
floating boat.

wow. summer is almost over. every year it is the same. school ends and life relaxes. (as if my life needs to be anymore relaxed.)

and now school starts 2 weeks from today.

summer rehash: camped once, kristen visited, fireworks in idaho, quick trip to yellowstone, and the biggest event of the summer, of course,... jake and maki got married!

maybe a quick trip to see mike, (in boise), next week.

i wanna a do over!

mostly i want to keep sleeping in!

Monday, July 30, 2012

four o'july or a post in which i can't decide whether to CAPitAliZe or NoT.

So, Yay! My computer and iphone decided to be friends again, and I have my fourth of july photos!
and that was written about 10 days ago. 

So, Boo! By the time I'd messed around with emailing them and uploading them and picasa-ing them and then finding out they were in iphoto the whole time, and picasa-ing them AGAIN, I wanted to shoot myself.

here we go with pictures and commentary. 
aka pics and commies.

oh my gosh. cutest kids ever, sans Luke; who was undoubtably honing his mad skills on the tramp. oline.

Look! It's a collage! 
I actually succeeded in making picasa work right (by work right I mean of course I didn't lose patience before I threw my computer against the wall.) (how could I do that to my one and only true friend aka macbaby?) (i just made up that name right now. great, huh?) 

AND now I have the 4 pic masterpiece which you behold. 
there's kristen and kristen & wes and potato salad & jello fluff & etc and cups of smurf juice with barbershop straws and a GIANT potato chip. 
it was so cute IRL

collages are hard. sigh. 

What's a four o'july celebration without a funnel cake? Or at the very least a picture of a funnel cake making truck. 

try saying that 5 times real fast. thatthatthatthatthat Oh, I am on one. 

i should delete that last paragraph. 

Honestly, though, without someone goading me on to actually purchase a funnel cake all I got was a pic. Honestly, though, funnel cakes are so gross. 

Beauties at the fireworks. aka Tracy and Kristen. 

hahahahaha. me took a pic of them taking a pic. 
(I do not know why I do not have more friends.)

Be still my heart............

my attempt to dress patriotically- apparently pink and gray are not actually our country's colors. 

Shawn looking Sharp. hahahaha.

what wes did after carrying 4 camp chairs for approximately 10 miles. 
what. a. stud
yes, i offered to help 10,000 times. 

i am seriously IN LOVE with this girl. 
you cannot blame me. 

the mass of humanity surrounding us waiting for darkness to fall. 
and it explains some of the panic i was feeling.

bye bye 